
Yoga as Meditation: Heal Your Body and Mind

Reading Time: 4 minutes
"Yoga means addition. Addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul.” 
― Amit Ray

Yoga and meditation are relatively intertwined. Yoga is a combination of breathing, light postures and simple meditation which aims to improve well-being and health. Yoga instructors are known to practice mindfulness and meditation as part of their yoga routines.

There are major studies that prove the potentials of yoga in improving physical and mental health. Yoga is advisable for people suffering from stress and stress-related diseases according to a recent study.

For others, yoga is a form of spiritual practice. Practitioners of spiritual yoga believe that it is the unison of body, mind and soul.

In a current study, it is discussed that yoga comprises advice for an ethical lifestyle, spiritual practice, physical activity, breathing exercises and meditation. 

For beginners, we usually go to yoga class for us to feel good. Before working out, it has been my habit to do yoga as part of my pre workout routine. It really works for me as I can do some stretching, improve my focus and meditate at the same time. Once, I’m done with my yoga poses, my body has its strength, endurance and flexibility for a workout session.

Is yoga a form of meditation?

As a form of meditation, yoga can be mixed with any kinds of meditation. Yoga starts with mantra meditation followed by moving meditation with light postures and motions. Other kinds of meditation such as spiritual, transcendental and mindfulness meditation are also practice in yoga.

In one study, it is stated that ,any types of yoga include no postures at all and are almost exclusively meditation-oriented.

If you are always on the go, you may find this activity as restorative and therapeutic while staying active at the same time. Those who are following moving meditation may appreciate yoga postures. They are relatively light and slow motions.

This video shows you how to kickstart your day by practicing this meditation yoga. Yoga With Adriene shared us her quick yoga meditation styles. Watch this video if you want to experience having a guided meditation while practicing yoga at the same time.

Quick and Easy Yoga Meditation

  • Sit up tall
  • Close your eyes
  • Take a deep breath
  • Drop your chin to your chest
  • Lift your nose up towards the sky
  • Continue to gently nod your head
  • Take your nose to the right and to the left
  • Take it slowly and gently
  • Take your hands to your belly
  • Breathe in deeply
  • Breathe out slowly

For me,I see yoga as a combination of guided meditation and moving meditation. Actually, yes it is. For some expert yoga instructors, the know how to combine yoga and meditation in their class. Some of them will show you the posture and slowly guide you for your body and mind to be united as one. My yoga instructor, Master Umesh, is one of a kind for having this approach in most of his classes.

What is the benefit of yoga and meditation?

Yoga is an exercise for body and mind. What does it mean? It means that when you practice yoga, you are exercising your physical and mental health at the same time. Yoga has been backed-up by science for its potentials in combating stress, anxiety and depression.

Although the major benefit of yoga is the reduction of depression and improvement of mental well being, yoga lovers can also benefit from its physical and social benefit. You can improve your flexibility, muscle strength, respiration, energy and metabolism.

In adults with mild-to-moderate major depression, an 8-week hatha yoga intervention resulted in statistically and clinically significant reductions in depression severity.

Yoga is also a perfect activity for athletes who are suffering from injury and body pain. Many gym goers and athletes often complain about muscle pain. Those who are combining both meditation and exercise have experienced less body pain and injury after exercise. As yoga is a body-mind activity to boost your mood and rev up your metabolism. Therefore, yoga is effective in improving physical and athletic performance.

In one study among patients with chronic illness, yoga has been associated with improved perception of their medical condition, wellness, quality of life. Undoubtedly, yoga is a restorative activity for individuals seeking for meditation, wellness and balance in life.

In patients with chronic illness, yoga improved mental wellbeing, aspects of quality of life, and resulted in a positive perception of illness.

Does yoga reduce belly fat?

Yes, some kinds of yoga such as restorative, Hatha and core yoga have potentials to promote weight loss due to their breathing exercises and sophisticated physical exercise system. Core power yoga is a body-mind exercise that involves series of postures that improves core muscles.

Core yoga is my favorite kind of yoga. As a gym goer, I want to combine exercise and meditation at the same time to avoid feeling sleepy in the yoga room. Practicing core power yoga poses are suggested workout if you want to have abs quickly.

Fat-Burning Core Yoga Poses: Toned Abs and Muscles

There are yoga poses that can aid you build abs and muscles, including:

  1. Warrior Twist
  2. Cobra
  3. Extended Child
  4. Plank
  5. Plank Upward
  6. Wheel
  7. Donkey Kicking
  8. Bow
  9. Camel
  10. Half Boat
  11. Bridge
  12. Downward Dog
  13. Locust
  14. Wind Relieving
  15. Sun Salutation

This 5-minute yoga core workout with Tara Stiles shows us that meditation can be practiced anywhere, anytime.

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