
Meditating in the Bedroom: Be More Active and Productive

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Bedroom is our heaven. It is the best place in planet where we can find peace and tranquility. Our bedroom is the first and the last thing that we can see when we open and shut our eyes. Many people say that bedroom is only for sleeping. How can we break this notion transform the four corners of our bedroom?

You can meditate adding some essential elements of meditation in your meditation. Meditating right after you get up or before you go to bed should be practiced in your bed or bedroom on a daily basis to improve your mood, health and quality of life.

Bedroom can also be a perfect place to do combine meditation and quick workout ideally early in the morning. Moving meditation such as yoga, Qi Gong or Tai Chi poses has potentials to improve your overall well-being. 

The key factor in order for you to meditate in your bedroom is your time. Ideally, you have to allot at least 10-20 minutes before going to bed or after you wake up. Avoid using your phone during this time can make your meditation more reflective and effective.

Should you meditate in your bedroom?

Yes, meditating in your bedroom is the most practical and convenient place to practice meditation and mindfulness. Meditation in bed can save your time, money and effort by taking advantage of your bedroom. Mindful, focused, mantra or moving meditation can be practiced in your bed or bedroom.

All kinds of meditation can actually be practiced in the bedroom if you have plenty of time. 20 minutes is ideal since you want to see a quick result of your meditation once you get out of your bedroom. This 20-minute meditation seems short especially for the long time practitioners of meditation but for me who have nine-to-five job it’s worth trying.

Many of us feel like getting more minutes of sleeping in the morning or we feel like hitting the hay as soon as we get in the room. I used to be the same but not until I discovered the power of meditation. Meditating early in the morning gives me focus, vigor and energy in the morning particularly if I combine it with moving meditation. Morning meditation has been my key to be more productive and active at work. Then evening mediation right in my bedroom gives me a sense of relaxation and peace; thus, it improves the quality of my sleep.

Meditating in the Morning and Evening Tips

If you want to be kick start your day with optimism and energy, you should meditate in the morning. Many of us find it hard to get up in the morning. By mixing your morning with some mantras and mindfulness-intervention practices, you will feel more energetic and active.

  1. Wake up early
  2. Open your curtain
  3. Get out of your bed
  4. Meditate by the window
  5. Play some relaxing music
  6. Put plants or flowers
  7. Get essential oils
  8. Walk around
  9. Take a hot shower

Is it best to meditate in the morning or evening?

Both morning or evening meditation routines are beneficial. Meditating in the morning makes you feel more energetic, active and productive. In the evening, the effect of meditation is often restorative making you more relaxed. Evening meditation relieves stress; thus, it makes you sleep better.

For beginners, there are certain meditation types that you can try either in the morning or evening, including:

  1. Guided meditation
  2. Moving mediation
  3. Mantra mediation
  4. Focus mediation
  5. Mindfulness meditation

They are often easy to follow and practice and requires little time or effort. All of them may take 10-20 minutes of your time. Just like any meditation practices, you have to observe deep breathing, sensation and mindfulness.

Moving Meditation

If you want to combine your meditation with light exercise, choose moving meditation where you can incorporate light and slow motions. Moving meditation like walking is perfect in the morning as you will warm up your body and mind. This can also be practiced in the evening by choosing simple yoga in your bed.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation works if you feel unmotivated and disoriented on how to do meditation. Guided meditation is like having a teacher who will guide you during the entire process of meditation. Do you need a teacher in the morning or evening? I recommend practice guided meditation in the evening. Our mind is usually fresh in the morning; thus, we can be more physically and mentally aware and focus. While in the evening we often feel tired and exhausted, a guide or teacher of meditation can motivate us by following his mantras.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation can be both practiced in the morning and evening. The benefit of practicing it in the morning is that it’s good support for breathing exercise without mentioning other meditation benefits. You can combine your breathing by practicing it in the morning. Personally, the benefit of mantra meditation is that it can a form of “release” of negativities. It’s my outlet to express out my stress and anxiety through this breathing exercise. After practicing this kind of meditation, I usually feel lighter and better.

Focus meditation

There are days that we are totally worn out.  When we practice focus meditation, we divert our attention to an object, sound or sensation. In the morning, why don’t you open the windows and appreciate the view outside. Breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly while you’re enjoying that moment. Feel the air as it touches your skin.

In the evening my focus meditation is usually in the form of sound. I often listen to some songs and focusing on them. Focus meditation helps to improve stress and anxiety. What kinds of music are good to listen to? Relaxing and meditation music are always soothing to listen to. Sometimes I play some classical or nature background to focus on in my room.

Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation happens when you are mindful about your breathing and sensation. You are aware of what’s going on in your body and mind. This is a time for you to get rid off your negativities and worries in life.

So when is the best time to practice mindfulness meditation? Both in the morning and evenings are both fine. In the morning, what I usually do to practice mindful meditation is to water plants. I find joy, peace and satisfaction by doing this activity. It’s simple yet I can combine both moving and mindful meditation. In the evening, taking a hot tub is my evening meditation routine. The sensation of water while it touches your skin is both invigorating and relaxing. Try to enjoy this moment. Want some more actionable advice? Scatter some petals in the tub, play some background music and light a scented candle. It cleanses your body and mind. Seeing yourself in that tub while meditating is something to look forward toShould you meditate in your bedroom?
