About Us

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Meditation Bud

Slow. Steady. Active.

Our official website: meditationbud.com

Our email: [email protected]

Our founder: Edward Grace

Our contributors: Global contributors

Edward Grace is the founder of meditationbud.com and livemoreforfree.com. He is neophiliac who always learn new things from kickboxing to brewing coffee. This jack of all trades, master of none blogger is a peripatetic who wanders the world. This foodie is probably on the street eating pho at the moment.

Your Meditation Buddy

Meditationbud.com aims to provide the most practical and essential meditation and mindfulness practices that work for people from all walks of life. Most practically, this website aims to be your buddy in your meditation journey without taking for granted of your healthy and active lifestyle.


Based on our philosophy, we believe that the key is to balance work and life by being slower and calmer in your thoughts, words and actions. Your word is a reflection of your actions. And your actions mirror your thoughts. Your thoughts define who you are.


Having a balance life by constant pausing and reflection is a way towards a more stable and more focused way of truly living. This second quality can be achieved through commitment and discipline towards a new you.


Contrary to many meditation practices, our website encourages you to incorporate meditation and mindfulness in your daily life at the same time to aim to foster a healthy and active lifestyle. Meditating alone may not sound appealing in this fast-pacing world, therefore, incorporating meditation in our daily life is the main core of achieving a slower, steadier and more active you.