
Can Walking Be a Meditation

Reading Time: 6 minutes

You probably one of those people who find walking as a quick escape from your daily stressors. We always feel good whenever we go for a walk. And sometimes when we walk, we become unconsciously focus on our breath and sensations. Then we ask ourselves, am I actually practicing meditation in my running shoes?

Yes, walking can be a form of meditation. This is called movement meditation in which you focus more on your breath, sensation and flow more than your physical movements. Walking is an ideal meditation for those who find sitting or lying meditation position tiresome and uninteresting.

Walking is scientifically-proven to promote cardiovascular and overall health. Walking is a form of meditation that helps us to improve stress, mood, productivity and life. Studies have also shown that this movement meditation improves the physical performance of athletes. Therefore, walking is a very convenient yet beneficial for our health and wellness according to a study.

What is the difference between walking and walking meditation?

Walking and walking meditation are significantly similar in the sense that both are engaged in physical movements. In particular, walking itself focuses on the speed, strength and body movement whereas walking meditation aims to focus on breathing, sensation and natural flow.

In exercise, walking is suitable if you want to improve your speed, strength and endurance. Most people walk mainly as part of their daily exercise routine. By walking, you can burn calories and lose weight. In addition to, walking is a kind of cardio exercise that is associated with promoting a healthy heart.  

For some people, they just want to walk to relax and unwind after a hardworking day. Therefore, walking is a kind of relaxation rather than meditation.  But this is a good vantage point since you are physically engaged and motivated to do something more.  This is where walking meditation will come in. Walking can be a form of meditation if you become more mindful and focused on your breath, sensation and flow more than the physical movement.

How can I practice mindful walking?

After years of practice, I finally consider my daily walk as a walking meditation. Often my daily walk is just literally walking for many factors. In the process, I have developed my own techniques and finally called it walking meditation.

10 Tips for Walking Meditation

  • Do a warm up  
  • Clear your mind
  • Breathe in and out slowly  
  • Say your mantra
  • Leave your phone
  • Wear your headset
  • Play some meditation music
  • Choose a place for walking meditation
  • Walk slowly and mindfully
  • Take a short rest
  • Practice walking meditation for 20-30 minutes


Your warm-up activities should include light motions like simple yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong movements. As you practice this exercise, you are also practicing your breathing. Try to feel your sensation as you are naturally going with your body flow.

Your choice of warm-up activity should set your body and mind to unite as one before you start your walking journey.

Clear your mind

We all have our baggage in life. But bring this baggage in meditation seems not a good idea. Remember meditation is for you to be mindful and focus on your breath, environment and sensation. Bringing your worries won’t help you. Leave it behind and deal with it after you have gathered all positive energy from your meditation.

Feel your sensations  

You are not in a rush here. And we don’t expect you to sweat a lot during this meditation. Focus on your breath as you walk. Breathe in a as you feel the air filling in your body and breathe out slowly as you are releasing all negativities. Feel your blood as they run through your veins. Listen to your heart.

Say your mantra

You can simply combine your walking meditation with mantra meditation. Mantra meditation focuses on saying your mantra like, “Ohm.” Using mantra actually works well in walking meditation because your mantra focus on your breathing. When you say your mantra, you are actually meditatively breathing out with some repeated sounds. And these sounds can even make your walking meditation more effective.

Leave your phone

Your phone is a perfect example of distractions. Once you have received that notification on your social media, you will likely to say, “I’ll check it for a minute.” Then you will end up sitting down and chatting with your friends. This is the ugly truth about technology. They’re stealing our time without letting us actually know it. The only way to get rid of this distraction is to unplug. Try to unplug for about 30 to 60 minutes a day particularly if you are really serious about meditation.

Wear your headphone

The main purpose of wearing your headset is to get rid off the noise in your environment. Let’s say you live in the heart of the city and all you can heart is from honks of the car, then you may consider getting a headset or a headphone. It is natural that we can easily be distracted by the noise around us so getting a headphone sounds sensible if you can’t focus amidst the noise.

The best way to use your headphone is to play some meditation music while you are practicing walking meditation. Listening to music while meditation is associated with better focus and mood based on studies.  

Choose a place for walking meditation

There are many places to choose from if you want to just walk. But walking meditation is kind of different because your main aim is not just to lose weight or sweat. Choosing a crowded place is not a good idea either. When you meet an acquaintance or friend while walking, you may end up chatting with them. And this will distract you from focusing on your goal to actually meditate.

We all have our secret place in your city. My secret place is the riverside. It’s usually crowded though. So what else can I do? Wake up soon and start walking meditating for 20 minutes and run for 45 minutes. What a great way to kick start my day!

Why don’t you drive a bit a way from your neighborhood and park your car elsewhere and started walking in the woods. Sounds like a good idea, right? Yes, for those who have time. But we all wish that we could buy time. Let’s just be realistic and let’s walk in the park.  Just don’t forget to put on those headphones.

Walk slowly and mindfully

What’s your actual goal for walking today? To burn calories or meditate? If you choose the former, then you are actually exercising. But if you choose the latter, then that’s meditation. Walking fast means focusing more on the motions and movements. So walk slowly and mindfully. Once you walk fast, then you will get pump the blood in your heart and you will start  breathing fast; thus, you can’t focus meditating.

The technique is that if you really want to combine both exercise and meditation more effectively. Then spend more time for each goal.

Spend 20 minutes for walking meditation and spend 30 to 40 minutes for brisk walking or even running. Walking meditation here acts as your warm up as well. This kind of walking with a combination of meditation is proven to improve your physical performance.  

Practice walking meditation for 20-30 minutes

The duration for your meditation depends on your lifestyle and career. Depending on your status in life, sticking to 20-30 minutes of walking meditation meditation a day works for many of us. If you are a business executive who usually don’t have enough time, then using this kind of meditation as you walk to your office. Remember not to use your phone during this time. If you are like me who want to live more and have plenty of time, we can adjust the time and combine it with our other routines.

Take a short rest

This is the best part. We all deserve a break. Rest here doesn’t mean checking your phone for notifications. Short rest can be an extension of your meditation time. Sit and pause for a while and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Feel your breath and sensation. Practice it for five to 10 minutes after you meditate. Rub your palms and gently and place them to your eyes. Now, it’s time to open your eyes.

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