
Can you move and meditate at the same time

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After a decade of testing the water to search for the best type of meditation that would work for many of us, I am now ready to unveil my secret. Movement meditation is one-of-a-kind of meditation that you can easily incorporate in your day-to-day schedule. This kind of meditation can smoothly combine your life and meditation goals in unison.

Yes, you can move and meditate at the same time. In fact, moving and meditating at the same time are proven to counteract sedentary lifestyle. Thus, this kind of meditation can aid to increase physical activities and wellness.

In a very recent study, the researchers suggested that physical activities can be more effective if you combine it with meditation and mindfulness. This only means that meditation has positive effects on our  psychological, psychophysical, and psychophysiological responses.

In such instances, re-engagement to physical activity programs can be more effectively achieved through the implementation of holistic methods to treat the body and mind. 

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health

Another interesting result from the similar study is that those who practiced meditation has an enhance exercise performance. The practice of meditation would function as an effective tool to influence the perception of pain/discomfort and transform any negative bodily sensations into motivation to persevere and enhance exercise performance.

10 Types of Meditation

Your age, job and lifestyle are some of the considerations in choosing the kind of meditation that is suitable for you.

  • movement meditation
  • mindfulness meditation
  • sound-based meditation
  • spiritual meditation
  • focused meditation
  • breath-awareness
  • mantra meditation
  • metta meditation
  • transcendental
  • Zen meditation

In choosing the type of meditation, you need to choose something that is sustainable and doable. Choosing the easiest might be the best choice for you. Most of us have the same issue of trying something ideal and great but we usually see ourselves tied up with our deadlines.

Some of these meditations are made convenient and workable for those who are like you and me who wish to buy time. Meditation such as sound-based, breath-awareness, focused and movement are usually convenient and efficient because they require nothing except proper breathing and position. The time also depends on how much time you have or at least want to incorporate in your everyday routines.

What is movement meditation?

In the world of meditation, there are many types of people whom you can’t simply ask to practice other forms of meditations. Meditation while moving might be the key for those who want to meditate while keeping themselves active and on the go.

Movement meditation refers to any physical activities that involve mindfulness and focus. This kind of meditation involves the natural flow or your body, mind and soul. While doing this kind of meditative activity, you let your body rhythm and flow freely. Each body part connects with your breathing and movement. You have to feel every sensation of body and mind.

After years of trying movement meditation, here are some of the basic steps that I would like to share.

  1. Free yourself from ant negative thoughts
  2. Gently Close your eyes
  3. Breathe in and breathe out deeply
  4. Visualize yourself in another dimension (coast, mountain, lake)
  5. Focus as you freely move your body
  6. Be mindful with every breath, movement and flow
  7. Feel the sensation of each flow
  8. Be aware of the elements of earth, fire, water, or wind if available

Moving while meditating is proven to enhance exercise performance that require a great amount of focus and attention. Thera are also many studies that link this kind of meditation to productivity.

Why is movement meditation effective particularly for beginners

Movement meditation is the best among other forms of meditation. If you want to be a Zen master, you should be able to master all kinds of meditation. As for a rookie like me and perhaps you too whose main aim is to unwind and unplug ourselves from hustle and bustle of our sometimes tangled life, movement meditation might be the best for you.

This kind of meditation is perfect for beginners because you can simply incorporate your usual daily routines with this kind of meditation. Physical movements such as stretching, walking, swimming, yoga or even just simply taking a shower.

As all of us have a very tight schedule, we usually do not have plenty of time to do the usual mantra that usually needs meditation space and other essentials. This meditation cannot only save your time but also make you feel more productive. Timing is everything. At first, you may not be able to feel that natural flow and rhythm.

Like me who is a beginner who have tried different kinds of meditation, I always find it hard to do the traditional mantra of meditation. In everything I do, I don’t find it easy to stay in one place. But after trying movement meditation, I have reached the kind of relaxation, focus and flow that I want. Many of you are just like me who may either feel awkward, lack of time, or prefer moving.

This kind of meditation is also connected with enhance exercise performance especially for those who want to be in a great shape. Practicing this kind of meditation can improve your focus, performance and productivity.

Can you move while meditating in office

Yes, meditating while at work is easy and fun. If you want to practice meditation at work, you have to be punctual, organized and resourceful. Meditation at work is ideal for increasing work performance, productivity and reduce stress.

You can incorporate meditation and mindfulness with your daily physical movements in office like walking around, filing documents, or making yourself a cup of tea. Remember while doing these simple things, you have to pay attention to the flow and rhythm of your body and feel the sensation of every elements like feeling the warmth of your freshly brewed tea as you hold it.

One last takeaway is that standing and walking around is the best way to meditate while moving in office. Doing is a proven way to improve you productivity. Want some more motivation? This kind of motivation can definitely promote your overall health.

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