
Dance Meditation: Simple Movements for Body and Mind

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Across the globe, dance is part of all cultures and identities. In most social functions we dance to celebrate and simply have fun. For some people, it’s an artistic way of expressing themselves. For others, they dance for entertainment, arts, or money. For most of us, we dance to simply ease and relax our mind.

Dance is a kind of movement meditation with light body motions that aims to bring harmony in your body and mind. Many studies show that dance is associated with cognitive, social, emotional and physical benefits.

In one study, results suggest that participation in partnered dance styles is associated with perceived improvements in physical fitness, cognitive functioning, social functioning, mood, and self-confidence, and that perceived benefits may increase as individuals dance more frequently and over longer periods of time.

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health

More and more people see the value of dance as part of their meditation. These are the people who have discovered and applied the power of movement meditation in their daily lives. Movement meditation is so powerful type of mindfulness and meditation by doing light and non-strenuous activities like dancing.

Dance meditation has potentials in improving health and well-being, including:

  1. Helps to meditate more actively
  2. Promotes active and healthy lifestyle
  3. Alleviates stress and depression
  4. Boosts moods and happiness
  5. Prevents heart and bone diseases
  6. Improves confidence
  7. Develops social skills
  8. Aids weight loss
  9. Improves brain functions
  10. May help to prevent cancer and serious illnesses

What is dance meditation?

Dance meditation is a form of movement meditation when your body and mind come together in perfect harmony. Dance meditation involves light body movements and easy-to-follow choreography. Anybody who want to practice meditation more than dance may like this kind of meditation as the word ‘dance’ here simply associated with therapeutic and relaxing light motions.

Meditation songs can be used while practicing dance meditation. While conventional meditation has to be in a sitting meditation, dance meditation follows simple rhythm and body flow using meditation or relaxing music. All you have to do is to follow the music accompanied with your natural body flow and motion while being mindfully aware and focus on your sensations. 

The most common kind of dance meditation is similar to the poses and moves of simple yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong poses accompanied by relaxing and moving meditation movements. These meditation exercises  which are proven to promote good health and wellness in general can be combined with your dance meditation.

Dance Meditation Tips 

For your dance meditation to be enjoyable and relaxing, you may want to follow some our basic guides. Keep and record your experience in a meditation journal for you to see improvements in your goals.

  1. Warm-up for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Invite a few of your friends to join.
  3. Play dance meditation songs.
  4. Follow an instructor for beginners.
  5. Follow a program or video as a guide.
  6. Practice in group in public places.
  7. Close your eyes and feel your sensations.
  8. Follow your body flow. 

Warm-up for 5-10 minutes

A warm-up should be part of any exercise. Mindfully and verbally expressing your mantras for 5-20 might be helpful for your meditation. Following either focus or mantra meditation seems to be effective based on what my daily journal record. Try to follow the other kind of meditation that usually works for you before you try movement meditation. While saying your mantra, you can do some light stretching or just simply walk just t prepare yourself physically and mindfully.

Invite a few of your friends to join

As they say, it takes two to tango. Dance meditation can be best practiced with other buddies. Just like any other kinds, the group can add to the beauty, creativity and artistry if you are dancing together. Together, you guys have something more to put on the table when you’re creating your dance meditation moves. Another leverage of doing a group dance meditation is that you don’t look or at least less weird if you do with others.

Play dance meditation songs

There are many songs that you can follow while doing dance meditation. Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong songs are some of the perfect songs that has its potential to natural move your body and mind in perfect harmony. Bringing a decent Bluetooth speaker is something sensible thing to do as you can carry this portable stuff anywhere you wish to dance.

Follow an instructor for beginners

For the first couple of months, you may find yourself a bit awkward with some poses and dance moves you have never done before. I was pretty the same when I was a newbie in this kind of meditation.

Who can be your instructor? I’m pretty sure that one of your friends have been doing it so you can ask for their advice or lucky if you get invitation to join them. The other thing you can do is to join a dance meditation class. 

Follow a program or video as a guide

Considering that you are like me who are creating your own dance meditation program, that is highly possible. Just try to be more creative and resourceful in the process. There are many software or apps that you can follow. Some of them come with videos for you to follow. I am visual so I prefer subscribing to something that I can see and hear. There are free apps. It is better if you try their first month free month and choose which one best meets your meditation needs. 

Practice in group in public places

Another leverage of having a group is that you will not or maybe look less weird when people who are not accustomed to this kind of meditation see you in public with your dance and meditation moves. Let’s say that you are alone doing it in a city park. Expect that some people will see you as weirdo. That’s not actually a problem if you don’t worry about conformity or social norms. Although I must say that meditating alone is more effective compared to doing it in group. 

As beginners, we lack of some foundations and knowledge about proper meditation. If we join a group, there will be a support system for you to get in on the ground. Once you are more comfortable doing things on your own, you can try meditating on your own sometimes.

Close your eyes and feel your sensations

Avoid any visual distractions by tuning in your meditation sound while closing your eyes. When you close your eyes, you are opening the windows to your mind. You can see things clearly. Focus is very pivotal when you are meditating. You shouldn’t mediate while having a chitchat with your best friend on the phone. You have to be mentally and physically aware and focus of your body flow, breath and sensation. Feel as your sweat drips. Feel as your breath becomes slower or faster. Inhale deeply and exhale very slowly. So try to see that you put on your headphone, close your eyes, moving and meditating while saying your mantra.

Follow your body flow and rhythm

It’s all about body flow. You don’t need to be a great dancer for you to practice meditation. Rule # 1 is that don’t be intimated. Who cares if the the others have perfect moves doing this movement meditation while you are struggling with some poses? Nobody cares about those moves. In meditation, focus and sensation matter the most. Movements are just part of it to make your meditation more active and dynamic and at the same promote overall health.

The next day you follow dance meditation, do not think of dance but instead think of how dance can help you meditate.

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