
How do you meditate in office

Reading Time: 9 minutes

We hear you. Just like many others you don’t have time meditate at home. Your office is, in fact, a perfect place to meditate. Why? Whether you like or not, your nine-to-five job requires you to stay in your office desk. In order to meditate while at work you have to be punctual, organized and resourceful combined with our practical and helpful ways to meditate in your office.

13 Productive Ways to Meditate

  1. Practice gratitude
  2. Arrive to work early
  3. Visualize success
  4. Plan ahead
  5. Keep your desk clean and clutter-free
  6. Use your headphone
  7. Decorate your desk
  8. Share your meditation goals
  9. Bring a mat
  10. Use meditation apps
  11. Go for a walk
  12. Drink a cup of tea

Why is it good to meditate?

Whatever your job is, it is sure that stress and pressure are part of it. After trying so many ways to reduce all these negative vibes, I have finally discovered the simplest yet most effect cure- meditation.

Meditation is beneficial for your wellness and overall health, including the following benefits.

  • Improved sleep
  • Stress relief
  • Great relaxation
  • Reduces depression
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Develops confidence
  • Boosts mood
  • Improves productivity
  • Improves physical health

In one study, researchers concluded that meditation and mindfulness skills led to improved sleep, greater relaxation, and more-accepting approaches to illness and illness experience.

US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health

Can you meditate while at work?

Yes, meditating while at work is easy to do. If you want to practice meditation at work, you have to be punctual, organized and resourceful. Meditation at work is actually ideal to increase productivity and reduce stress.

Many of us who have nine-to-five jobs always have struggles how to find time and space for meditation. Regardless of your job roles, we are sure you have some level of stress.

Practice gratitude

Every day is an opportunity to appreciate the people around your including your colleagues. When you are in the office, there are many simple favors like asking someone to scan some documents for you or grab you a cup a coffee, you always have to be grateful and appreciative to them. And its is not enough just to be grateful, you have to express and appreciate them in many ways besides saying thank you.

Why is a meditation? Remember that the endpoint of meditation is to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. When you practice gratitude, you are actually mindful and focus on your mind on the good thing shown by your colleagues. It is important to stop whatever your are doing and savor that act of kindness.

When you practice gratitude, your meditation tells you to be aware and pay attention. This meditation prompts you to do something good to your colleagues; thus, it improves your productivity and relationship with them. They will appreciate more.

Arrive to work early

Being very early in the office can promise you two things- peace and productivity. Arriving in your workplace earlier than most of your colleagues give you the leverage to turn your desk as your meditation space. You can even use the lounge, meeting room, rest room wherever you find peace office.

Since you are an early bird, you have the perk to have your office as your meditation area. Since you have many options, choose an area near the window. Meditating by the window is ideal for morning meditation. Being kissed by the sun, it will not only help you meditate it will also help you boost your mood.

When you practice this early morning meditation, you may also be surprised by its other benefits like getting things done earlier than most of your colleagues; thus, giving you more time for yourself. Your promotion is also waiting for you while practicing your mantra.

Visualize success

“You are more productive by doing fifteen minutes of visualization than from sixteen hours of hard labor.” 

Abraham Hicks

Seeing ourselves succeed can be a form of meditation as you are focusing your mind on one single goal- to succeed on your goal for the day. By doing so you are putting all of your positive inertia in visualizing your goals. Seeing yourself succeed is a also a determinant how positive you are in life. Practicing this productive meditation is proven in all fields.

Michael Phelps as known by everyone was trained by this kind of productive meditation. He was trained by his coach, Bob Bowman, to apply this relaxation technique to see himself succeed. His method is simple yet effective that in order for you to succeed in one single goal you have to see yourself in that situation.

“A vision gives a purpose to daily pursuits. A reason to push yourself out of bed each morning and do something. Without this purpose, it’s easy to drift through the days and weeks and months of life.”

Bob Bowman, Michael Phelp’s lifetime coach

Visualization is so powerful that you can immediately teleport yourself to Cayman Islands. Close your eyes, imagine the beach, and breathe in and out. Which part of the island do you see yourself in? Use all your senses while visualizing this relaxation technique. Once you are done, you are ready again to face the real world.

Plan your tasks ahead

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” 

Alan Lakein, author

As you know how to apply this relaxation technique through visualization, let us put into practice by planning your tasks ahead. There are many apps that you can use to plan your working days.

There are many good apps that you can use to plan your day. A good daily, weekly, and monthly planner is a good investment. Writing down your goal is a way to focus your mind on what you want to achieve for today and tomorrow. This kind of productive meditation is a relaxing way to remind your of what has to be done.

Before writing something down in your daily planner, clear your mind, take a deep breath and close your eyes. This productive meditation will help you make your plans sound and clear.

Keep your desk clear and clutter-free

There’s nothing better when you see your desk free from stack of papers. Yeah, we have those loads of paper that we have to finish. It does not mean that you have to display them on your desks. That’s why you have those file cabinets or file folders.

Fine, you want to really want to see them on your desk. Then we advise you to at least do yourself a favor. Get a desk mail organizer. This will help you organize your documents. You can also mark which ones should be prioritized first.

Here’s one more advice. The lesser things you have on your desk the better your focus and attention will do. Clearing your table is a cue that it is time to clutter your mind and focus on one singe task at a time.

Use a headphone

After moving from one place to another, annoying and insensitive colleagues are always there whether you like it or not. Tell them and they will be your enemy. And we all don’t want that as we want to respect each others’ personalities.

Meditation seems to be impossible if you are near these people. But remember that meditation is everywhere as confirmed by most of the monks I had a good conversation to. One way that you can do is to get a good headphone.

Headphones are good way to escape your office. Play some of your meditation songs while working. Whether your background music is the waves of the ocean or the sound of the nature, for sure it will help you to pause and mindfully use your senses to visualize yourself in that place.

Decorate your desk with some essentials

Let’s not exaggerate this office decor thing. It’s not your home. Your office is your only territory. There are essentials in meditation that you can follow.

Essential elements in decorating your office desk

  1. Scented candles
  2. Essential oil
  3. Decor desk plants
  4. Flower Vase
  5. Tabletop indoor waterfall
  6. Gemstones or crystals
  7. Cup of tea

You are lucky if you can ask your boss to put some of those big green plants around your office. Since you are the early bird in the office, you may also want to try asking him if you can have a desk near the window. The natural light may boost your mood and productivity. Your desk is waiting for your next meditation office. Invite your colleagues in your meditation area and ask her to join you in your mantra.

Share your meditation goals

It makes sense if you let your colleagues know that you may do your meditation habits from time to time so they can respect your zone. The beauty of informing them is that you do not look weird or rude to them when you suddenly do your mantra or put on your headphone.

If talking to them seems to be trivial, then you can simply use some Post-it notes. For example, you are out for a walking meditation. Simply write a short message that you are out for a productive meditation. If you feel like closing your eyes, then simply stick a note on your desktop.

Bring a meditation mat

Ever wonder what else you can do with your extra mat at home? Bring it to your office. While everyone is having your lunch, since you are an early bird and arrive to your office early, then you probably fill in your belly with brunch a bit earlier.

If this is the case, then the office is yours since most probably that everyone is having their lunch at the moment. A meditation mat is ideal if you wanna lie down while meditating. The good thing about a mat is that you can meditating while actually resting your physical body. If lying down is not your thing, then a pillow or a cushion will be a perfect alternative.

While you are lying down, slowly close your eyes, inhale and exhale. This time is a total meditation without any work-related purpose in your mind. Ideally, 20-minute meditation is good enough to do this one. If noise is an issue, you may want to put on your headset. Om.

Use meditation apps

There are many free apps out there in your phone. Simply download and follow their advise. They may look different from the outside but if you are going to analyze all of them, they will boil down to one single thing- meditation. The trick is to choose the one that works best for you just like when you choose your song list.

Here are the 20 best meditation apps that you should try.

  1. The Mindfulness App
  2. Headspace
  3. Pzizz
  4. Buddhify
  5. Simple Habit
  6. Unplug
  7. Breethe
  8. MindU
  9. Omvana
  10. Calm
  11. Portal
  12. Aura
  13. Smiling Mind
  14. Reflectly
  15. Petit Bambou
  16. Relax Now
  17. 10% Happier
  18. Inscape
  19. Simple Habit
  20. Stop, Think & Breathe

Some of them are free and some come with a trial-period. Make use of the trial period to test the water which works best for your mantra.

Go for a walk

Walking is a the best form of productive meditation. This is the activity where you can use all of your part body to harmonize with your mind. Use all of your senses while you are walking. Feel the fresh air as they touch your skin. Smell the scent of the trees as the leaves touch your skin.

Those monks can meditate amidst the noise of modern world even in the very heart of broadway. Their meditation is that powerful. It takes time to practice them though unless you used to live in one of those temples. The secret is to use your headset and play either your meditation songs or apps.

When you come back to your desk, you can see how much that productive meditation helps you accomplish more for less hours.

Drink a cup of tea

“If you are cold, tea will warm you;

if you are too heated, it will cool you;

If you are depressed, it will cheer you;

If you are excited, it will calm you.

William Ewart Gladstone, British statesman and Liberal politician

Whatever your cup of tea, it is important to enjoy it. Drinking tea is not just simply sipping it. Just like those people who dry and process those tea leaves, they are delicately chosen and perfect wait for their right timing to be picked. You have to slow down and savor each moment.

As you cool down your fresh hot tea, try to feel its warmth as you hold the cup gently with both of your hands. Smell its fresh aroma. Slowly take a sip then close your eyes and feel it as it runs through your body. Imagine that you were the tree and that tea nourishes your leaves, trunks and roots. This visualization as we discussed previously helps you a lot in all types of meditation.

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