
Music Meditation: Improving Focus & Performance

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What music are you listening to? Pop, reggae or classical? Whatever your choice of music, we are pretty sure that you are listening for a reason. Each person has a different taste of music.  Our choice of songs may give us signal of how are we feeling on a particular occasion. Can music help us to meditate?

Music is usually combined with meditation practices. Slow, soothing and restorative songs can be used as background music while meditating. Music improves our focus in performing tasks.

Music is a common practice for relaxation, religion and meditation. Individuals who are combining their meditation practices are known to improve their focus and concentration level.

 Music provides the focus of, or the soundtrack to, countless social situations, and can also provide refuge or solace in private moments.

We listen to music for different reasons. Some are listening to improve their performances in completing tasks. For example, a gym goer would often put on his headphone and start playing his workout music. Or at least, gym studios have that workout music background. Studies shows that music helps in finishing someone’s tasks.

Not everyone can tolerate music, some people simply want to listen to music as a form of relaxation or relief. These are the people who find music restorative and therapeutic. Combining both music and meditation are effective ways to reduce stress and may improve performances in completing tasks.

What types of music are good for meditation?  

Identifying the right music is essential to make your meditation more effective. Slow, soothing and relaxing songs are ideal to combine with meditation practices, including sounds of instruments, nature or mixing with guided or mantra meditation.

Nature Sounds

This is the easiest and cheapest kind of meditation music. We all know that nature has its calming effect especially whenever we’re near them. The sound of flowing river, chirping of birds, and dancing trees and leaves are natural elements to soothe your body and mind.

The good news is that actually we don’t need to go to nature and be healed by their natural elements. All you have to is to put on your headphone, and the nature will come closer to you. Ideally, this kind of meditation music should be played in the morning. It gives you good vibes and feelings.

Moving meditation can be best practiced by having nature as your background music. It will show you the natural flow of your body and mind.

Listen to this nature sound as you close your eyes and meditate.


The Tibetan singing bowls are particularly known to be used for meditating. This is a good example that any simple objects can be used as a tool for meditation. There are many other instruments that are used for meditation such as the chimes, piano, flute or any string instruments have their relaxing and restorative effects.

Similarly, you don’t need to hire a cellist for you to meditate. These instruments are searchable and downloadable. All you need is a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and you are good to go. Instrumental music can be best used anytime of the day. In the morning, drums and chimes might be good to boost your mood.

This three-minute instrumental meditation is good to relax and calm your body and mind.


Classical songs are usually associated to improve mental health. Studies show that classical music helps to improve cognitive skills. Let’s take a look at some of the most famous classical music founders. They are often precise, productive and effective individuals who have known the secrets of using music in order to focus and achieve more.

Whenever you feel like stressed, this 5-minute music can calm you down.

Mind and meditation are intertwined. Therefore, classical music is a way of improving your body and mind at the same time. Classical music is often soft and smooth and it makes us easy to focus and concentrate. You can use classical music as your meditation music at work or in the afternoon while you are feeling a bit sleepy. Want some more actionable advice? Walk while listening to this music and hum your mantras. The combination of moving, mantra and music meditation are unbeatably effective form of meditation.  

Guided Meditation

This is yet the most organized form of meditation in terms of combining music in your meditation practices. Why? Well, your guide in your guided meditation simply does everything for you. He guides you during the entire meditation from breathing to clearing out your thoughts while incorporating the power of music during the session.  

The music in your guided meditation is usually slow and restorative. The main aim is to help you feel relaxed and mindful at the same time. It is good for beginners who needs a meditation guru.

This guiding voice and calming meditation is perfect for beginners.

Mantra Meditation

This is my top choice of music. Why? You don’t need anything except yourself. This is Instrument and gadget free form of music meditation. In mantra meditation, all you need is your mantra.

What is mantra? In meditation, mantras are the repeated words, sounds, or utterances that you are humming, chanting or even singing while meditating. The most common mantra is “Om.” Your mantras can actually be as unique and personal as you want them to be. You can change every time you meditate depending on your meditation goal. For example, if you need to improve your self-esteem, your mantra may be “Believe,” “I am great.”  Try to repeat, hum and sing it many times while combining it with your deep breathing and mindfulness. The key here is try to hum and breathe in deeply and slowly using your nose.

All you need is your mantra. Listen to this om chanting to see the picture clearly.

Meditation Music

This is a combination of all types of music mentioned above if you combine it with meditation. If you want a total meditation music experience, you can opt to choose this kind of music. The  blend of nature elements, instruments, and body are all form of meditation music. They are effective to improve concentration, relieve stress and anxiety and boost your mood and feelings.

This video is a combination of elements of nature, instruments and body.

“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”
― Maya Angelou
