
Where can you make your own meditation space at home

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Whenever I visit one of those Zen temples, I always stand a chance to have a casual conversation with one of those monks. Every time I have conversation with them, I always get bursts of motivation and inspiration in relationship, career, family and life. One day while talking with him, I came across this question if where is the best place to meditate. He answered it in no time, “You can meditate anywhere.

Your home is the best place to meditate. Your kitchen, living room, garden, bedroom or even your bathroom simply decorated with a touch of essential elements like natural light, potted plants, candles, or indoor fountain can make your own meditation in the comfort of your home.

You don’t need to go anywhere else or spend a fortune to find a meditation room. All you need is to identify a place where you feel as if you’re walking on air. It is certain that all of us has our own space where we can work or study. The same principle applies for creating a meditation space.

What are essentials in creating a meditation room?

The four elements of earth, air, fire and water are also essential components of your customized and personalized meditation area. All of these elements focus on targeting your senses. Redesigning your place with these elements can create a Zen space in your house.

Essential elements in creating a meditation room

  1. Scented candles
  2. Incense
  3. Essential oils
  4. Potted plants
  5. Background music
  6. Natural light
  7. Tabletop indoor waterfall
  8. Mat or cushion
  9. Gemstones or crystals
  10. Cup of tea

The most important thing to remember about these meditation essentials is that all of these items below should be portable and functional. When you buy or order any of these items, make sure that they can easily be used in any parts of your house.

Knowing these essentials give you clearer ideas on how can you give your meditation space a touch of Zen. Adding them to your peaceful space may turn it into another dimension. Imagine seeing that little quiet space with the aroma of the essential oil together with the background music of the nature.

Meditation space at home

Now that you know the basic elements of meditation, let’s now transform your home into a meditation space. Being creative and resourceful can save your money without compromising the quality of your brand new meditation space.

  • Garden
  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Study Room
  • Pool
  • Balcony
  • Basement
  • Attic


Being connected to nature always gives us sense of calming and soothing effect to our body, mind and soul. For some of us who live in the outskirts, most likely that you have gardens and shades of green around your house.

The ugly truth is that not all of us do not have this piece of heaven on earth especially if you live in metropolitan. I live in a studio-apartment so basically building a garden is not a good choice. Building a garden does not to be that spacious.

But this is not a really big deal nowadays. There are many potted plants out there or even online. One or two sets of table plants won’t cost you much. You just have to choose the one that really looks relaxing to your eyes. You will be amazed how these little pots can transform your place. Building a garden is also a fun way to keep in good shape.

When the sun kisses those tiny green leaves in those pots, they will amazingly radiate your room.

A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.

Gertrude Jekyll


There’s no place like home. Your own bedroom is probably your sanctuary. This is where you find peace with or without meditation decorations. This is the place where you can start and end your day. This is a place where you hope and dream.

The moment you open your eyes in the morning, open the window and let the sun greets you. Sit right on your bed. Now, close your eyes again and feel the warmth of the sun. Breathe in and breathe out and continue meditating for about 10 minutes. Free your mind from all your worries.

Make it a habit to open the windows even when you are not meditating. The natural light may not only help you meditate but it may also boost your mood.

My bedroom is my sanctuary. It’s like a refuge, and it’s where I do a fair amount of designing – at least conceptually, if not literally. 

Vera Wang



The scented candle and the dripping water from the faucet are perfect harmony for your next meditation session. The element of water has always soothing effect. The element of air and water magnifies this calming effect.

Simply bring a meditation cushion and start closing your eyes. To add a more relaxing atmosphere, play some meditation music. And after spending some meditation hours, wash away your troubles with some bubbles.

Many people find bathing as a form of relaxation. I also find it therapeutic and meditative. While lying in a tub, I would always choose to light some candles while listening to some relaxing music. This leaves me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated at the end of the day before I hit the hay. Oops a cup of chamomile tea can infuse a more relaxing effect after this meditation.


Whether you are body or soul is hungry, your kitchen can be easily transformed into an aromatic meditation sanctuary. The fragrance from your lemon, ginger, and fresh herbs add to this calming effect.

The first thing that you can do is to keep your kitchen clutter-free. Avoid putting too much stuff in your kitchen. This was actually my bad habit before but after realizing that these unnecessary stuff give me extra work to do, I gave them away. The result- a space for meditation.

I love seeing shades of green in my kitchen or actually in most places in my place. I have pots of cactus and herbs that I can make use in my gourmet or healthy drinks. If your kitchen doesn’t have access to natural light, some lights and scented candles may help.

Study Room

If there is a place where everyone in the room where you can notice everyone to respect privacy, probably it’s your study room. They most likely know that you need to spend certain degree of concentration and focus to finish your work or study. Make use of this excuse.

While your study room is designed to study, it can be an ideal place to meditate as it is usually quiet. The smell of the paper and wooden shelves also add to this effect. Adding some plants on the floor and opening the window to shine the room can make this a perfect meditation room.

A meditation mat or cushion may be desired as well. Lighting an incense can combine an aromatic fragrance. Use your speaker to play some beautiful relaxing music.


You are lucky if you have this space in your place. It is not simply a place to hang your clothes or store your stuff. It is the best place to meditate especially late at night or early in the morning where the world is still asleep.

My small balcony is quite small yet functional. At the end of the day, I would neatly place a small blanket or rug, light a scented candle, and play my favorite relaxing music.

What makes my balcony so relaxing is that I have some pots of plants and some wild and graceful vines. I gently water them before meditation. The smell of the earth is always present. The element of wind is undeniably free as I live on a high rise building.

I consider myself quite lucky to have this balcony because what I have is the view of a river and bridge surrounded by green luscious trees. Late at night is my perfect timing for I can see the stillness of the world. Early in the morning is also perfect as I can greet the sun while hearing to the songs of mocking birds somewhere.

By the Window

Whether you live in a house or a flat, I am pretty sure you have windows. The size does not matter as all you need is the natural light from the sun. It is a plus if you have a spectacular view of the nature.

Being kissed by the sun always gives us the feeling radiance and positivity. Normally, whenever I meditate by the window, it is whenever I feel down. And for some reasons, the element of light seems to be working on me by refueling my energy after I meditate.

I had this friend who had an anxiety problem. I recommended her to first try to let the natural light brighten her room and invite positive vibes more often. Coincidentally, her friend who happened to be a clinical psychologist was there and he supported my advice. Our friend has tried to adopt this sun meditation and so far we have seen improvement in her.

Share this happiness and positivity by opening your windows especially early in the morning. Greet and smile while witnessing the spectacular sunrise.


It has always fascinated me to always have a chance to see some beautiful creatures like birds, chipmunks or squirrels strolling around ground from the view of the windows down in the basement of my parents’ house.

Being in the basement gives me a different perspective that to be on the ground is a symbol of simplicity, humility and beauty. The nature is a perfect relaxing music. The smell of the trees, flowers and soil perfectly harmonized for your meditation.

I always feel like I am close and humble to nature whenever I meditate in the basement. It is also totally quiet and serene down there. Whenever I go up the stairs, I am ready again for the noisy world.


I bet that most of our attics are loaded with old stuff. It’s dusty and useless. But this attic is not just a storage. It’s a perfect source of natural light and stillness. Usually something either low or high like the basement or attic is usually serene and undisturbed.

Organize your attic by putting things in a neat container or boxes. Bring up some pots of plants, a nice clean mat and your attic is ready for your meditation. Being in the attic is a surefire to escape the outside world especially if you will turn off your mobile for a while.

Do not forget that meditating near the attic window will give you a sense of optimism and positivity.


Your perfect holiday is not completed without swimming in a relaxing pool. Swimming always makes us feeling refreshed and relaxed. That’s the reason why you are booking that hotel with a swimming pool. I do, too.

For some of us, we are lucky to have a swimming pool in our building where we can practice this meditation. The most prevalent element of nature here is water where you can actually hear and feel it.

While most swimming pool areas are quite busy. You have to choose the perfect time where it is not crowded. To do this, usually you have to be an early bird. Wake up early in the morning, bring your towel and place it next to the swimming pool while facing the direction of the sun. Dive in for another round of meditation session. If waking up early is an issue, then you can visit the pool late in the evening. Just inform the life guard that you are there to meditate and not to swim. Light a candle for a more relaxing meditative effect.

Swimming is proven to be an effective way to promote good health and total wellness.

When should you meditate in your home?

Timing is very important element of meditation especially if it is done at home. The best time to meditate in your meditation space at home is early in the morning. Your mind is very relaxed at this time. The environment around you is also serene and peaceful.

Getting up early will give you the luxury of time to free yourselves from worries and meditate. The natural light will greet your morning while you are meditating in your home. Most of the family members are still asleep this time; therefore, you can totally focus on your meditation goal. After your 10 to 20 minutes of meditation, you are most likely ready to kick start your day.

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